Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Whew, I am coming off long trip and a busy day.
The trip was great, we visited The Hill house in Denver. I will get some photos up one of these days.
Today started out with a flat tire. Bummer. It was on my husband's car, but he had to leave and travel 20 miles to work. I could find other transportation so he took my car.

My friend came to pick me up for our Love and Logic presentation to MOPS (Mothers of preschoolers). I introduced us as MOGUKS. Mothers of grown up kids. My friend and I did an hour program, and it seemed to be very well recieved. She was my ride to work afterward.

I finished upholstering a chair that had been last week's project, nothing like starting your week a day late and a project behind! My boss said I could use her pick-up to get home. The transportation thing is working out.

A friend dropped by work to visit, a strong college guy. I invited him to lunch, and for a box of chicken he jacked up the car and twisted off lug nuts. There was a broken box-cutter blade in the tire treads. Unusual way to get a flat?!?

I dropped the tire off on the way back to work. It was finished when I came home, I still have the pickup. I left the tire by the car and ate the last piece of chicken before leaving for singing practice. Fortunately I am in a car pool.

Yellowstone Harmony, the women's barbershop group I sing with has a performance Saturday so we were on the risers going over all the songs. Home again by 10.

Tomorrow should be easy.


Johnny said...

And how do you pronounce MOGUKS?

wyowoman said...

"Tomorrow should be easy"... [snort] I can so clearly hear your tone of voice, even through this computer cable!